Friday, September 26, 2008

The Table is Sold!

So a few post back I mentioned a Foosball table that Gus was selling. It was the last of the single guy stuff and he selflessly sold it to give Emily her playroom. Anyhow, Gus has always had amazing luck selling things. As much as a salesperson industry is risky he would be phenomenal! Anyhoo...a little history. He sold his car after listing it within 3 weeks. He sold his paintball gun and accessories within a week after listing it. He sold his punching bag and stand within 24 hrs after posting it and the Foosball table(which actually was the $1200 model) sold within 24 hrs after a bidding war and he got double for what he asked for it! Either he is lucky, or a great salesperson, or a not so great salesperson who under prices everything. Hmmmm.....regardless it is gone to another guy now and Emily has her playroom and the garage is free of a honking huge table! :0]
Let's take a moment to remember....


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