Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Confessional

I am blog stealing from my sister in law as she does weekly confessionals on her blog. So here goes
I confess

I ate pistachios in the car and threw the shells out the window. (Taking it back to nature)

I can watch tv marthons of some shows over and over (Jon and Kate plus 8, Real World, America's Next Top Model)

I don't really like Oprah's show so much anymore

I am a Bejeweled that game! It is like a modern day Tetris but on cellphones.

I have road rage!

I got scared flying earlier this month. I have flown serveral times and this time I got panicky

I am having more panic attacks than ever

I can't get my house clean enough. I have people come clean and I think I will keep it up and it never happens...freaking laundry keeps multiplying

I think our house is too small and we have been here less than a year

I wish I wasn't so afraid to speak in Spanish

I am beginning to cook a lot more and really enjoy it

I feel like there is not enough time in the day

I am afraid Emily will never really know her grandparents in Venezuela because of the language barrier. I know what that is like and it stinks. Gus doesn't talk to her in Spanish and she will learn and speak English unless of course I put her in a bilingual school...hmmmmmmm

It is eerily calm in the house....this never happens

Baby sleep is so nice

My husband is such a hard worker and amazing provider! I love him!

That is it for the moment....more to follow later.


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