Friday, July 11, 2008

10 months is hard work!

Emily turned 10 months on the 4th of July! What a firecracker! She actually is the opposite. She is mellow and very easy. :) Whew! Let's hope that sticks. Emily has been crawling, pulling up, and is starting to cruise. She is now primarly on table foods. She eats a lot healthier than the rest of the family and our diet is quickly changing. She is just now getting into feeding herself. Her favorites are chicken, zesty tomato puffs, and cheese. Here are some pictures of her feeding herself. My girlfriend joked that I don't let her get dirty. I realized then that I needed to let her do it herself or I would be feeding her till she was 8! Reference my boys whom still are sometimes fed. :{ If I had known then what I know now.....oh well.


Jessica Roth said...

Happy 10 month Birthday Miss Emily!! I'm SO excited that you started a blog....I absolutely love reading about other people's lives and adventures. Keep it up!! I now have you bookmarked. :) Love, Jessie

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