Sunday, July 13, 2008

List of things that are addictive!

So there was recently a post on an online forum that I often go to with other moms. One mommy mention Nutella, the yummy chocolate hazelnut spread. She referred to it as "spreadable crack." While I like it too, I thought there are a lot of things that are my "crack" if you will. So this is a list...let's start with foods

pasta-anyway you make it

movie theater popcorn-everyone says that it is yuck with the liquid fat, I mean butter, but really yummy! Give me the tub!

chocolate syrup that hardens on ice cream- a night time favorite of Gus and I can understand why!

white queso dip from El Toro- I could eat that everyday

my mom's cuban cooking

Ok-non food crack



dancing-I seriously could dance daily- I wish I could be on Dancing with the Stars- I love Latin dances

Jon and Kate plue 8- not only does Kate have the patience of a saint and the organization to boot, but she talks to Jon in a way that I COMPLETELY can relate to sometimes. I watch her and think, three kids is not so hard.

the perfect jeans- which don't fit my hiney now- see crack type foods for a clue.

a great suntan

Baby smiles and that "baby smell"

Little boys that love their mom like velcro-see Jake

Big boys who love their mom but are too cool to say it-see Jonathan

great friends-especially great friends with babies :)

I bet I will come back to edit this list....stay tuned for my cofessional....


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