I am now about 17+ weeks pregnant...almost half way there. Minus the heartburn due to breathing...since I don't even have to eat to have it, and the headaches, I am feeling pretty normal. Some days I forget I am even pregnant. I will say I am not very hungry, a get tired in the afternoon, and when I get a craving, which is rare, I really want it. My cravings have been icey water, oranges, a random McDonald's cheeseburger, and I really want a Choco Taco ice cream and a white cherry icee but I haven't had those yet. I have yet to gain but a pound...how awesome is that!
I had a quad screening blood test done two weeks ago to detect Down's syndrome, neuro tubal disorders, spina bifda, and trisonomy 18. The nurse called today. I thought all this time that no news was good news since they never called for any of my other kids. When she said she was my dr's nurse my heart stopped. She was just calling to tell me everything was negative and to have a good month. What relief! I will try to post a belly pic soon...it is there with a vengance. I look like six months pregnant not 4 1/2. What can I do.
2023 Wrap-up
1 year ago
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